Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Wisata ACEH

1. Mosque Baiturrahman

The mosque was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1612 it has become an icon of Aceh. The main building of the mosque is white with large black dome surrounded by seven towers. Magnificent impression increasingly felt in the presence of a large pond and fountain in front of the mosque which is reminiscent of the Taj Mahal in India.

The mosque is a place of religious tourism in Aceh which is visited for its beauty. Site Huffington Post enter Mosque Baiturrahman to the list of 100 most beautiful mosques in the world, even Yahoo! call this mosque as one of 10 most beautiful mosques in the world. This is of course more and make proud the people of Aceh and Indonesia.If want to buy a souvenir, you can come to Aceh Market located behind the mosque. After being around, you can culinary because there are plenty of food vendors in this market.
2.Niagara Blang Pool

Here, you can see the twin waterfalls with a height of 75 meters, surrounded by shady trees. Around the waterfall, there are many people who play water, soak in water storage pond waterfall or just relax in the poolside. If you want a different experience, try to come up with to bring your camping perlengakapan. Niagara Blang this pool, you can camp and enjoy the outdoors at the rate of 5,000 rupiah per person.

Tourist attractions in Aceh not only offers natural beauty, but also offer low prices. You simply pay 2,500 rupiah per person to get in and prove the beauty of Niagara Blang pool.

3. Niagara Suhom

Waterfall is located in the Village Suhom, District Lhoong, Aceh Besar. To be able to reach these places, you have to pass through the streets heaving with mountain views Paro and Kulu. On the way, do not be surprised to see a lot of monkeys roaming the streets. These monkeys are usually asked fruit or other snacks on road users passing by.

50-meter high waterfall is divided into three levels, but you are not allowed to rise to the level two and three for safety reasons due to the high-voltage power plants.

     Nevertheless, the tourist attractions in Aceh is still present incredible views. You can swim in the lake as deep as two meters below the waterfall or accompany the children playing in the water children's pool. Do not want to play water? Please relax in the gazebo which has been provided while enjoying foods that are sold in the vicinity of the waterfall

4. The Beach Lampuuk

Acehnese do not need to feel jealous of Bali which has many beautiful beaches in Aceh because there are also many beaches with stunning scenery. One of the tourist attractions that can be relied beach is Lampuuk Beach. This beach is also known as Kuta Beach in Aceh.

Lampuuk Beach has a coastline along the 5 km from south to north, with soft white sand and coral cliff at the end of the beach. Many of the activities you can do at this beach from surfing, sunbathing, swimming and also play a banana boat.

One more exciting activities you can do at this resort is seeing turtle conservation efforts. You can join release hatchlings into the sea. Exciting, huh? Holiday at the same time preserving alam.Jika not satisfied enjoy Lampuuk beach in a day, you can stay in cottages in coastal areas. In addition to longer enjoy the beauty of this beach, you can also satisfy the stomach with a variety of grilled fish dish in the stalls sekitar.Pantai Lampuuk are in Meunasah Mosque, Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. The admission price is 3,000 rupees.

5.The Beach Lhoknga 

Lhoknga beach is not far from the beach Lampuuk. This tourist spot is about 20 km from Banda Aceh. Here, you can relax under the shady trees or playing beach volleyball in the sand wide and sloping.

     If relaxing and sunbathing on the shore is less fun for you, try surfing in the sea. Lhoknga beach has waves with a height of 1.5 to 2 meters are suitable for this sport.

Today went in the afternoon, do not go home first. Do not miss the beautiful sunsets on this beach. Tourist attractions in Aceh is getting crowded in the afternoon, many who come to see the sunset views to sit back and relax and enjoy roasted corn.

6. Pantai Ulee Lheue

Tourist attractions this one is just 3 km from the center of Banda Aceh, precisely in Meuraxa.

     The most popular activities at this beach is fishing. If you forget to bring a fishing pole, do not worry because there are selling around the coast. Not like fishing? You can also rent a fishing boat to sail in the sea or relaxing on the shore enjoying roasted corn. From the beach, you can see across the mountain range which adds to the beauty of the beach Ulee Lheue.

7. Rubiah Island

Rubiah exist in Sabang Island, precisely in the northwest of the island of Weh. Rubiah name itself is taken from the name written on a tombstone in the island.

     Tourist attractions in Aceh is famous for its underwater natural beauty. At least 14 of the 15 marine protected in Indonesia here. Prepare your diving and snorkeling tools and please swim with tropical fish and play a variety of colorful coral reefs. If you forget to bring snorkeling equipment, you can rent it at a price of 40,000 rupiah alone and you can use all day.

8. Kuala Merisi
Kuala Merisi is the perfect place to enjoy the beach with a quiet and serene atmosphere. Tourist attractions in Ketapang Village, District Krueng Sabee, it has a long coastline with small waves suitable for splashing over the edge.

     Please sit back on top of your mat and enjoy the waves and winds its shores. Not infrequently sights in Aceh was used as the location of surfing because the waves are suitable for water sports.

     In addition, this beach also has other supporting facilities such as bathrooms and a row of food stalls.

9. Museum Tsunami
Aceh tsunami ever hit in 2004, leaving a funeral for Acehnese who survived. In memory of the victims died while respecting, built a Tsunami Museum in Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda in 2009.

in the museum, there is a long hallway with the roar of the waves and running water that will remind you of the great disaster. Tourist attractions in Aceh is visited by many tourists who want to see what is left of the tsunami waves. Many of the objects on display the rest of disasters such as bicycles belonging to the victim. In addition to the rest of the objects tsunami death toll photo and story testimony of survivors also electronic earthquake simulation tools.

     The museum was built as a center of education and shelter if a tsunami comes back. The Museum is open every day except Friday from 10:00 to 17:00.

10. Pantan Terong

 Pantan Terong is a hill that is used to see the beauty of Central Aceh from above. This resort is located at an altitude of 1830 meters above sea level. Do not forget to bring a jacket and a sweater because the air is cold enough.

     From Pantan Eggplant you can see the Sea Freshwater Lake that resemble a giant cauldron. Here, you can also enjoy views of the sunrise and sunset are very beautiful. So, prepare your camera and capture the moment.

Sumatera Island

10 sights should visit
  •     Aceh                  
  •     Sumatera Utara
  •     Sumatera Barat
  •     Bengkulu
  •     Riau
  •     Kepulauan Riau
  •     Jambi
  •     Sumatera Selatan
  •     Lampung
  •     Kepulauan Bangka Belitung


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